The life of an athlete isn’t always an easy one. It often requires an enormous amount of time and effort. For some people though, this is well worth it for the rewards of being able to either make a living as an athlete, or participate in athletic activities as a major hobby and lifestyle choice. The modern demands on athletes often mean that it’s a lot harder to make everything work without a home gym, however.

Exercising – Courtesy of Shutterstock
The Time Balancing Act
There is a frightening amount of work to be done maintaining your body if you’re an athlete. And if you’re not making a living entirely through your athletic pursuits, this means that you have even less time to devote to working on all aspects of your health. This could include cardio, arms, core, legs, and so on, even not including individual skills based on the sport, such as passing drills, for example. So having an entire gym solution at home, where you don’t have to continually figure out what gyms are open and for how long, is a pretty important consideration. After all, you’ll be juggling workouts with boring old money work enough as it is. Gyms filling up with too many people to find the machines that you want is also a serious problem.
But the main point is that when you add up all of the time and stress sinks involved with finding the equipment you need, getting to the gym within the right hours, spending all of the time driving there and back, and fitting that into your already busy schedule, a home gym starts to look more and more like a reasonable investment.
The Machines You Need
Another problem with trying to go without a home gym is that you’re at the mercy of whatever happens to be nearby. For example, if you need access to elliptical machines, but no gyms nearby have them, you are generally out of luck. It may very well be that you don’t have an option of using anything else for what you need, either. After all, elliptical machines are uniquely disposed towards rehabilitation. They are easier on the joints, and allow you to exercise your muscles and your cardio even if you have an injury involving your knees, for example.
But if you have the ability to create your own gym, then you can add exactly what you need to it. Some machines will be much better suited for particular athletes over others, after all. If you need to train strength more due to participating in a strength based sport or activity, you can often be out of luck since many gyms are very competitive when it comes to time on the weight machines.
Overall, a home gym just makes good sense when it comes to meeting the needs of the modern athlete. This is true both because of the time you’ll save, but also because of the ability to buy only the machines that work for you rather than having to choose from only those available nearby.