Keeping your business clean is one of the most important factors in running a smooth organization. Productivity and clutter around the workplace have been linked in numerous studies, which makes it important to have a consistent cleaning schedule in your business. A clean business is an all around better environment for your employees to work in and nothing turns off a customer more than walking into a dirty and grungy building. Sometimes setting aside a day devoted to cleaning every department and corner of your building is the best way to return your business to its shiny days of the past, while in some situations a commercial service may be the better route to take. In the following paragraphs we will look at a few ways you can maximize that all important cleaning day with the right preparation.

Vacuuming – Shutterstock
Start Preparing Early
Being prepared for your big cleaning day will make the entire process go much more smoothly. As the business owner or manager, your job is to empower your staff to be as efficient as possible. One way to do this is make an advanced schedule, detailing the duties that every employee will have on cleaning day. Proceed to give them a checklist that each employee can sign off on when they get their area cleaned and hold them accountable to it!
Put your Plan into Action
Once you have your battle plan set and put into action, make sure your troops have the necessary supplies to get the job done. Make some cleaning stations with everything they need. It’s better to be over prepared for this than have a staff lacking in the resources they need to accomplish the tasks at hand. Keep tabs on your employees, and even join in on the cleaning action now and then as it helps your employees see its importance when leadership gets involved.
Put other Duties on Hold (if possible)
To maximize effort and hopefully prevent having to redo your huge cleaning day, it might be best to suspend manufacturing, paperwork and whatever business activities you can afford to delay for at least a few hours. This permits your staff to devote their entire effort and focus to cleaning with fewer distractions. Get the job done properly and go back to business in your new, clutter free work environment.
Pro tip: If you have an abundance of paperwork lying around, consider converting it to a digital format and moving it to the cloud where it is secure and easily accessible. This will let you throw out many boxes of unneeded papers which really become nothing more than fire hazards.
Clean Often
The best way to not lose time cleaning is by keeping up with the cleaning throughout the week. Don’t let it get out of hand. Provide regular cleaning duties where no job is done until after cleanup. Maintaining a clutter free work environment ensures that you do not lose productivity down the road by devoting more time than necessary to cleaning days. Keep trash bins available and empty to prevent rubbish from being left all around your building. Anywhere near computers or TV screens are also dust magnets, so make sure materials are handy to keep them clean.
Commercial Services
If the burden of cleaning is too much for your business to handle, you can always hire a professional service to come in and clean out every nook and cranny in your building. Check out companies like American Clean & Seal Warehouse Cleaning for some ideas. Maintaining a clean business is not only good for your employees but provides a better experience for your customers which helps bring them back.