Choosing Colors for the Exterior
When you choose colors for the exterior part of your home, remember not to use colors that are too bright looking. Within 6 months, the color will fade and your walls will look dull. You don’t want that to happen, do you? So go for light colors – they will look better and stay neutral under extremely hot climates. Does it sound overwhelming to you? It need not be when you remember the following tips. You must remember that the colors you choose for your home will make it unique from the rest of the homes in the neighborhood. Never go for atrocious colors to differentiate your house from other houses in your neighborhood , it will only make it more repulsive. There are people who go for matching colors for the interiors and exteriors; this is purely your discretion as long as the colors aren’t too loud. While choosing colors for your exterior, remember you have to choose for the driveway, the patio, the verandah, the roofs, the sunshades, pillars and the entire structure. Of course, it takes plenty of time before you will be able to choose the right set of colors but it is definitely worth the effort. The colors you choose for your home will reflect your personality, of course if you chose loud colors it doesn’t mean you are a bold character, instead it means that you are an assertive type, not the kind that are appreciated by the society, but a character that tests people’s patience.

Photo courtesy – Arthur Gouveia at
When you are in the market looking for some unique color combinations for your home, you can choose them by selecting the colors through a computer software. You can even see a post- painted version of your home. And you can try out different colors and see how good or bad they would look. Earlier, painters did test swatches on the walls to see how each color would look on the wall. But now, that is no longer necessary. And this process of selecting colors is definitely faster.
Choosing Colors for the Interior
The kitchen is where you will be spending a few hours in the evenings and weekends and so you can make it exciting enough. Food themed kitchens are very inspiring and will make those boring cooking hours interesting enough. You can use different fruit colors to paint different parts of the kitchen – including the islands and cabinets. Make sure you have warm tones in the kitchen because they increase the appetite of the people. It is probably because warmer tones have a soothing and calming effect. Add some lighting fixtures with fruit shades to complete the effect. And of course, there should be a perfect balance between the colors that you use.

Photo courtesy – Karin Dalziel at
The colors you choose for the interior will influence the way you think about your home. When you have bright and cheerful colors, you will feel happy to be inside the rooms. Get environment friendly paints because it will enhance the quality of the air inside your home. These days more and more people are interested in going for environment friendly colors because they are safer. Milk paints are a good idea because they are completely biodegradable and doesn’t contain any solvents. You can give special orders for them and enhance the look of your rooms.