AJN News

Walking Enthusiast? Have A Look At Some Fantastic Destinations For A Walking Holiday

Continued from part 1

As with any holiday, there are different kinds of ability levels for a walking holiday too. Some people go for the gentle walking holiday option while some thrive on challenging hikes where there will be plenty of descents and ascents. Which one do you prefer? Do you like your walks to be flexible where you can pass through picturesque villages on one day and climb along challenging mountain peaks on another? Flexible hiking holiday packages are ideal for families, especially since not everyone will be of the same fitness level.

Sierra Nevada

When you hike across Sierra Nevada, the highest mountain range in Spain, you will also be able to go across Andalucia, the second highest peak in Spain. Sierra Nevada standing majestically on southern coastal plains offer a rugged path to visitors. The melting snow forms fast flowing rivers which the dot the entire mountain ranges. When you trek along, you will be able to visit the pretty villages that hug the landscape. This hike is for people interested in a challenging trekking/walking holiday. There will be ascents and descents everyday and you will pass through woods, farmlands, mountain paths and valleys.


Going on an ancient Inca trail along the sacred Machu Pichu is the biggest attraction for visitors. There are three kinds of routes for those travelling on foot and they all have varying degrees of difficulty, so you can choose the one that will be easier for you. The Classic Inca trail is by far the most popular trekking trails in the world. As you trek along, you will be able to enjoy the wondrous beauty of colonial Lima and the stunning beauty of the temple fortress of Sacsayhuaman. Family walking holidays are offered here and you can go for mountain biking and river rafting too.


Southern Ireland

If you are a captivating student of history and want to trudge the same paths traversed by the ancient people, you can go along on a walking tour of Southern Ireland. Apart from all the wondrous architecture and splendid churches, you can trek through moss-carpeted forests and stone cottages that have a backdrop of dangerous cliffs. Guided tours of Southern Ireland will unlock many mysteries of the past, including interesting legends. The unspoiled vistas of stunning scenery awaken the romantic spirit within you and the mix of cliffs, moorlands, lakes, grasslands and headlands will only make it all the more worthwhile.

Courtesy – Rick Wezenaar Photography from Flickr.com


Lake Lucerne

They say that you enjoy the various intricacies of nature when you travel on foot. And to enjoy the true spectacular beauty of the Swiss Alps, you must go along a trail along Lake Lucerne in Switzerland. The ever changing panorama (of majestic mountains) and landscapes, luscious growth of flowers and the long flat routes and shorter ascents and descents entice people of average fitness to come here and partake in a walking holiday along the lake.  Though you can choose a holiday during the June-July months, it is during September that you will find the lake area to be abuzz with walking enthusiasts.

Courtesy – ninnet from Flickr.com


Loire Valley

This is the ideal walking holiday for people who are interested in going for long walks and at the same looking forward to explore the countryside and the villages they are in. When you visit the Loire Valley in Spain and walk along the different tributaries, you are able to enjoy a memorable vacation. In between stops, you can go for wine-tasting tours, trek along the forests, enjoy the scenery of the sprawling farmlands and visit the ever-praised chateaux.


Courtesy – filipek.stephanie from Flickr.com