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Top SEO trends for 2014

Online promotion has become all the more important these days for every business, due to increased competition. There are several promotional choices available for the entrepreneur to decide upon, for increasing the revenue and profits of the business.

A Great Challenge Ahead

With the dawning of the New Year 2014, every business needs to look at their previous set goals and ponder over their achievements and missed opportunities. They by taking the assistance of good SEO companies, the entrepreneur should try to find out the issues that they faced the previous year and implement the strategies and resources that would work well to enhance the business and bring the much desired profits. With some tips, it is possible to understand the top SEO trends for 2014 and to prepare appropriately the promotion projects this year.

SEO Trends-2014

  • Style: The design and style of the website should be appropriate to the business and plenty of interesting video clips, ads should be incorporated.
  • Visual marketing: Visual marketing is increasing getting effective with the targeted customers. This trend is expected to increase this year and promoted in length by the SEO professionals.
  • Mobile marketing: Worldwide, there are more than 5 billion dollars worth of cellular customers, including 1.1 billion dollars worth of smart phone customers. Even iPad has been doing very well among the international customers. For effective promotion, every business should start preparing on linking with their targeted audiences through cellular programs.
  • Video: About 4 billion dollars worth of video clips are being viewed each single day. Around 68% of the viewers tend to discuss on the video hyperlinks. Therefore, it is quite obvious that the audience prefers videos, since it is more informative and also easy to understand. Experts conclude that an average individual can retain 10% of the written text, 65% of a picture and 95% of the video clips, viewed by them.
  • Cloud based tools: In order to be effective on the online marketing initiatives on a mass scale, the SEO experts or digital marketing have been using the cloud based resources. There are plenty of tools like MailChimp, SEOmoz, Unbounce, BoostSuite, etc that can be used for promotional activities.
  • Multi-Screen World: About 86% of the cellular web customers generally use gadgets while viewing the television. With over 11,000 Twitter posts being released every second, it is a well known fact that the social media plays an important role in the today’s online marketing.
  • Smart Public Press: Twitter posts and Facebook are increasingly becoming the most used channels for promoting the services of a business.
  • Retargeting: This is way of placing the ads in the websites in a manner that is easily seen by the audience. Some of the popular choices for retargeting tend to include AdRoll, Bizo, Retargeter and Look-for engines Remarketing.
  • Attribution measurement: While running various kinds of online marketing like SEO, paid search, promotion through email, retargeting and banner advertising, it could be challenging in evaluating the value of every item in the promotion.

The internet is full of knowledge on the different types of online marketing trends and using the right strategy is sure to help the business to succeed in the long run. You can also get information on http://bigdropinc.com/.