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Slimming Ear Technique

The techniques of traditional Chinese medicine are well known worldwide, its effectiveness has left them well positioned in each continent. One of them is acupuncture technique, endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Acupuncture involves inserting needles into the body to stimulate and produce well in various areas of the body. In this technique, for example, abruption the Ear that focuses on healing the body through acupuncture techniques in the ear. In this installment we will give importance to the diet auriculotherapy technique.

Ear Lose weight?

Surely, there are many unbelievers on the possibility of using auricular techniques to lose weight, but it is actually possible. Auriculotherapy has the concept that the ear is a map of our own body, even that is shaped fetus.

Therefore, if you stimulate specific areas of the ear, simultaneously stimulate areas of the body, according to Dr. LB Grotte, physician and acupuncturist in Cleveland, Ohio. By stimulating the ear point corresponding to a diseased body part tensions are released and create a healing response.

As each day doing research on this technique, it has been concluded that in addition to the many benefits of ear, expert acupuncture issues identified an area of the ear that when stimulated via needles or magnets can produce satiety in the patient.

It is possible that when you submit to such treatment experiences the reduction of appetite; feel that you want a couple of donuts for you before you had melted. The satiety caused by this technique derived surely a weight loss later.

Recommendations on diet Ear

The first thing to do is talk to your doctor so that he may determine whether this technique Ear diet is best for you. For example, needles, staples or magnets are not suitable for pregnant women, people who use certain medications or for people who suffer from heart disease.

Then ideally you with expert advisers. By saving money, maybe you can engage in practices that will jeopardize your health. Make sure the therapist is a professional and expert qualified in the subject, and it is not one of the many scammers that exist. You lose nothing if you check their professional licenses, training and experience.

On the other hand, make sure each session is conducted hygiene practices, as with any medical procedure, you need latex gloves to prevent infection and sterilization of instruments used.

If you’ve made the decision to undergo this type of technique to lose weight,   I wish you good luck. If instead you’ve gone through it, we invite you for your comment details of your experience and you encourage others to lose weight with this technique Ear.