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6 Simple Workplace Safety and Health Tips

A company with healthy workers will make more money than a company with sick workers who constantly miss work. Here are six tips to keep workers healthy while on the job.

Tip #1: Stress

People often do not think that stress causes health problems. This could not be further from the truth as it causes plenty of problems. For example, when a worker has too much stress, his or her immune system will be vulnerable to viruses and other problems.

Furthermore, a stressed person is more likely to injure himself or herself in a fall. In order to help employees relax more, the company should foster a stress-free work environment. The company can do this by offering fun activities and team-building exercises. When keeping stress levels low, employees will be more productive and healthier.

Tip #2: Equipment

An employer must provide his or her employees with a safe working environment. To get started, the employer should have safety mats and other equipment that will help people avoid falls. In an office environment, the company must provide ergonomically correct chairs and computer equipment. When taking steps to protect workers from falls, the company can avoid many problems from occurring in the first place.

Source: © http://www.engelbert-strauss.co.uk

Tip #3: Work from Home

Most people work in front of a computer. Because of this, a sick employee should work from home. Ideally, a boss should make his or her workers feel that they can work from home without repercussions. With a work-at-home system in place, a sick person is less likely to come in and get other people sick. This will help increase productivity and keep current employees happy.

Tip #4: Encourage Breaks

In most areas of the country, employers must provide adequate break time for their staff. Unfortunately, some busy employees skip their breaks and continue working. When doing this, the staff member is more likely injure him or herself. To prevent this, the business owners and bosses should encourage hourly workers to take their allotted breaks.

Tip #5: Training

When a staff member begins a new task for the first time, he or she should get the necessary training. While this may seem like overkill, it will prevent future problems. Whether a laborer learns how to lift heavy boxes or how to use a forklift, he or she must receive adequate training.

When done correctly, workers will be safer. Furthermore, for some activities, training may be required under state or local laws. Remember, give employees adequate training; the company will save money and workers will not suffer from injuries when they know how to operate equipment properly.

Tip #6: Testing

When workers use heavy machinery, they are at a greater risk for injury. Because of the increased risk, employers should randomly test employees for illegal drugs and alcohol. This will prevent workers from trying to show up on the job while under the influence. In addition, when ensuring that employees are not under the influence, the business will save money on insurance. Remember, when administering drug tests; make sure to fallow all the local laws.

When following these six simple tips, staff members will be healthier, happier, and more productive. Fortunately, these steps should not be difficult for a company to implement. When working with staff members, an employer can convince his or her workers to follow these rules. Without a doubt, when both sides worked together, the employees and the employer will both be happy.