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Protecting Your Investment With These 5 Simple Tricks

Tired of having to live in the boring house that you’ve been in for the last 20 years? Trust me, there are plenty of people in the same boat. The good news is that you don’t have to settle for the same, bland house anymore. The even better news is that it’s not going to cost you a lot of money to redo some simple things to improve your home, either. Here are five simple things that you can do, in order to better protect and enjoy your home:

5. Replace Your Shower Head

Replace your current shower head with a new one. There are some great shower heads that you can choose from. You can get one of the fancy ones that is designed to you a massage and help you relax, or just get a newer, more basic model. Either way, you should look for something that is a low-flow shower head. That way you’ll not only have a more enjoyable shower, but you’ll also be saving money on your water bill. Even if you decide not to get a new shower head, you could check to see if there are any hard-water deposits clogging the holes, in your current shower head. If there are, removing them doesn’t take long, and it will improve your shower.

4. Put in Dimmers on Your Lights

Most people would agree that when they put in dimmers, the entire ambiance of their home is changed. You can use some mood lighting for a romantic dinner, or you can put them on low so that you can read, while your spouse sleeps. It’s near impossible to find someone who’s regretted installing dimmer lights in their home.

3. Painting a Room

This may be a little time consuming, but it will make your home feel much newer. Whether you decide to paint your bedroom, kitchen, living room or bathroom, you’re going to enjoy Invite some friends and family over to help you paint, and you’ll be done in no time.

2. Install Home Security

There’s no better way to take care of your home investment than by installing a security system. Once you get a home security package in your home, you’ll feel much safer and you will finally have the peace of mind that you’ve been searching for. Vivint, for example, a leading brand in the industry is always protecting your home so you won’t have to worry about it while you’re asleep or away. Talk to your friends, family or jump online to a Vivint reviews page to see what option would be best for you.

1. Add a Ceiling Fan

A new ceiling fan can improve your home in a few different ways. These are great for those spring or autumn days, when it’s too hot for a heater, but not cool enough for air conditioning. A ceiling fan will keep the air moving, give you a good temperature and will help to improve the look of your room. Instead of having your a/c burn a hole in your pocket, turn on the ceiling fan and enjoy your new place.

David Glenn is a home improvement expert. He occasionally freelance writes about home security and DIY home repair. Check out Vivint’s home security systems for state of the art home security.