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Introducing A New Nanny To The Family – Settling In

It’s not until you find yourself right at the foot of the first day with a new nanny that you truly begin to realise how big of a deal letting a stranger into your home really is. And it’s not just a case of letting them in either, as you’re technically giving them the keys to the most intimate and important aspects of your life in general. It’s natural for a new nanny to be nervous, but in so many instances the ones taking on the new nanny are actually even more nervous!

Of course, if you’ve made a wise decision during the recruitment process, then there’s technically nothing to worry about…you’ll soon get on like a (figurative) house on fire. Nevertheless, there’s bound to be at least some awkwardness and general weirdness during the early days and weeks, which is why it’s a good idea to tackle the early-day nerves head-on rather than just ignoring them until they go away…which eventually they will.

So, with this in mind, here’s a look at a few quick tips leading London nanny agencies giveon the subject of settling in with a new nanny and making sure everyone feels at home:

1 – Casual Introductions

First and foremost, it’s always a good idea to consider meeting with the nanny prior to their duties beginning in order to get to know them a little better in a casual setting. You could invite them around to the home for an evening, maybe meet somewhere out and about or include the whole family for a group trip somewhere. This may seem like an unusual way of doing things, but this way you’ll be making sure that when the time comes for them to get to work, you won’t feel nearly as strange about having them in your home. They might not yet be family, but they won’t be a stranger either.

2 – Map Out Expectations Ahead of Time

It may sound a little formal, but it’s nonetheless a good idea to make a list of everything you expect of the nanny and all daily duties on paper prior to them getting started. The simple fact of the matter is that if you assume they know everything or try to explain things verbally, things will get overlooked. It’s just a way of making things easier for all involved – you know what you expect, they have a hard copy of what you expect so there’s really no grounds for misunderstanding.

3 – Close Shadowing

For as long as it may take, it’s a good idea to spend some time shadowing the nanny – NOT to be confused with breathing down their neck and watching their every move. Instead, it’s more a way of getting the kids to understand that the new nanny is a trusted and welcome part of the household, as opposed to a stranger that’s suddenly walked in and taken over. The more the kids see you interacting and spending time with the nanny in a positive way, the more quickly they’ll be able to start accepting the change.

4 – Neighbours

Something else that’s quite often overlooked is the importance of letting your neighbours know there’s going to be a nanny on your property and perhaps going about the necessary introductions. This is important not only for making sure your nanny feels welcome in general and has a port-of-call to turn to should the need arise, but the last thing you want is for your neighbours to think your home is being broken into…or that one of you is having an affair!

5 – Contact Lists

Never forget the importance of penning a sheet of contacts including pretty much anyone and everyone the nanny may ever need to call. This should include multiple numbers to call both parents day and night, school telephone numbers, doctors, dentists, friends, family members and so on and so forth – all of which can be real life-savers if ever the nanny finds themselves stuck with a dead mobile phone battery.

6 – Quality Time

Last but not least, this was touched upon earlier by warrants mentioning again – the more time you spend with your nanny, the faster you’ll all get used to the new arrangement and the more likely you’ll become more than just professional acquaintances. It takes effort on all parts to break down the barriers of weirdness that are bound to play a role in the early days, so do yourself a favour and take the time to get to know what could be one of the most important friends you’ll ever meet.