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If You Need A Nap, Take One! Even At Work

Naps aren’t just for children, they benefit adults too. In fact, a quick power nap of twenty minutes or less during the day can make you more productive at work and at home. Naps are so beneficial that they can give you a boost of energy a cup of coffee can’t compete with. Learn the pros and cons of a power nap in the workplace and see if a quick nap could do you some good.

Benefits of a Power Nap

Many people begin to feel sluggish sometime after their lunch hour, when their bodies begin to naturally crave a bit of rest. When you ignore these signs and seek alternative methods of energy, including sugary snacks, caffeine, or worse, just trudging through it, you’re doing your productivity a great disservice.

A power nap can make your brain think more cognitively to give you the energy boost you need and strengthen your memory skills. All these qualities help to make you more productive in the workplace and can allow you to get the recharging you need to get tasks done around the workplace.

Health benefits of Power Napping

A power nap of twenty minutes or less can also boost your immune system to help you become less likely to become depressed or stressed out and can help you be a happier individual in the workplace. This is great for managers who want a lower turnover in the workplace and helps keep sick days at a minimum. The added benefit of not being stressed while at work is another great reason to close your eyes for twenty minutes every day.

The Downside to Power Napping

While power napping holds many benefits to both the company and the employee, there are drawbacks as well. A power nap is only beneficial if it’s for a short period of time and many people find it hard to only sleep for a few minutes. Over-sleeping during a power nap can have the opposite effect on the people, causing drowsiness, sluggishness and a great urge for sleep.

This can be remedied by taking a power nap at the same time every day (experts recommend between 1 PM and 3 PM) and never napping over 20 minutes. This can help your brain recharge and helps to also get you into the sleeping mode of actually resting for just a few moments at a time.

Finding Time and Resources to Power Nap

Companies should allow their employees time to rest in the early afternoon so everyone can get the energy boost they need. Investing in comfortable mattresses for a quick snooze can help employees feel more rested. Good bedding should include comfortable and supportive pillows, thin blankets for familiarity, and beds large enough to spread out in without taking up too much space. You should be able to find all the necessary components to a better night’s sleep at a good bed sale in your area.

While the investment in power napping may sound like a lot of time, money, and effort, businesses can quickly recoup any costs because of employee’s higher productivity. This can lead to a slower turnover rate as well as happier, healthier employee workplace. A small power nap is a wonderful investment for any company looking for ways to benefit both the business and those who work there.

Power napping in the workplace can be an excellent idea. All it takes is a comfortable place to rest, a dedication on the part of the employees to rest at the same time every day, and encouragement from upper management to catch a snooze in the early afternoon hours. In getting a twenty minute power nap during the day, you can enjoy your job a lot more, find yourself with more energy to get things done, and can finally feel like you can get things done while at work. It’s amazing what a quick twenty minute nap can do.