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How To Deal With Stress From Your Financial Condition

Stress can mean different things to different people, it has varied effects and its cause is never the same. Stress can come from many places such as work, relationships and families. One of the biggest factors that causes stress is finding ones self in a poor financial situation. Being overtly stressed can be dangerous as it could lead to a more critical state of mind such as depression, it can also damage our health and have other negative effects on our bodies, such as pain.

Your Stress Level

One persons stress may not be another’s. One scenario could be that a person did not make enough money at work one month so this resulted in them not having enough money to pay for rent/mortgage or their bills let alone for food to feed themselves and their families. Stress is different for everyone and the different situations in which stress can play a part in our lives are endless. Stress unfortunately cannot be avoided; even the richest person in the world will encounter stress. The key thing is to know how to control it. Knowing how to manage stress and to keep larger stress at bay is fundamental to surviving.

Avoiding Stress

Stress simply cannot be avoided; however the amount of stress a person feels can be greatly decreased. It may seem obvious and simple but from personal experience of severe stress and depression one of the best ways to manage feelings of stress is to create a plan to resolve the problem that is creating stress for us. Yes, one small word ‘plan’. If money is an issue, work out how much you will be receiving in one month, then work out how much is out going. If you are short, then certain privileges will have to be put aside until the situation has improved. People who find themselves in these situations need to remember that they are not alone; there will always be someone who has experienced the same situation before them even if they are not acquainted. There are many websites and online forums where there are professionals and people available to speak to.

Types of Stress

There are two different types of stress, short term and long term. Long-term stress is the more harmful of the two and could lead to further issues such as high blood pressure, decreased bone density and an inability to think concisely. Short-term stress is like the example above, we stress about something big to ourselves but that same thing could be minute to someone else. When that thing has passed, say a bill or a test, the stress vanishes too and instead we are filled with relief. Stress is also a defense mechanism for our bodies, when we are stressed we release an increased amount of adrenalin (this is produced within our kidneys) and this creates our flight or fight mode as though we are under threat.

Effects of Stress

Psychologically stress can have many effects, and because they cannot be seen they can therefore be the most dangerous. If they are not visible then how does anyone really know? This is true especially if the person going through the ordeal does not want to speak to anyone about it. This is why it is great to keep an eye on those closest to you, be aware of their moods and actions and it will be obvious when they are not their normal selves. This is the time to remind loved ones that there are people who care and want to listen and help if they should need it. Other behaviors typical of stress can also be anger and irritability. Stress does not just plague during the daytime but also through the night as well, it can cause nightmares, sweats and also sleep deprivation.

Some Steps That Lower Stress

Exercise is an excellent way to release feel good endorphins and serotonin within our brains to make us feel good about our bodies and about our lives. By taking small steps like these, only positive outcomes will be achieved. Happiness will increase, and simple things that we over look such as maintaining a regular social life is fundamental to our overall health and well being. By partaking in these activities and being around friends not only will happiness increase but also confidence.

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Michael Hastings likes to write about financial planning. Michael works for the Nick Scali investment company where he spends time advising people on how people can better their situation. In his spare time he is doing a frame off restoration on a 1934 Chevy Coupe.