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How to Convince Your Boss That your Business Ideas Are Good

We all have a creative element inside us. You may be working in a corporate world where no one asks you about a business plan or marketing strategy but it doesn’t mean that you don’t have any such ideas in your mind. Let us assume that your boss often asks you to come up with a marketing plan for a new set of products your company is going to launch but when the time comes, he chose the idea pitched by some other employee. It feels really bad to get rejected but you should not feel depressed because a failure is also an opportunity. You can learn a lot of things from your failure and in the long run, you can improve your ideas and convincing skills.

Below described tips will definitely help you convince your boss that your ideas are worth a shot.

1 – Find a Common Ground

The first thing that you should always keep in your mind is that, your boss is an authority figure and no body challenges an authority. The business plan presented by you may be better than the current business plan of your company but asking for a complete changeover is actually challenging the authority and position of your Boss. You need to find a common ground. Before pitching any business idea, talk to your boss about it and try to find out what results he wants to achieve. Also try to determine what kind of plan he already has in his mind? Once you have all this information, it will become easy to make a plan that is aligned with the business plan in the mind of your Boss.

2 – Don’t try to Convince Anyone at First

In the beginning, instead of pitching your idea directly in office meeting and claiming it to be best, you should ask questions from anyone. In every business meeting, come up with an improved idea and ask members what they think about this new idea. Many fingers will be raised which is a good thing because now you have a clear picture in your mind what your Boss and his team is looking for. This will also give an impression to your boss and committee members that you are a hardworking individual who has been trying really hard to complete the task assigned to him.

3 – Use your Story Telling Skills

Keep in mind that your boss is a really busy person. He doesn’t have enough time to take a look at a complete file of statistical data and a lot of writing about how to improve business of a company. You need to find a way to pitch your idea in an effective way. Instead of boring your Boss with charts and diagrams, tell him a story. Make a connection between the previous business policy and the new policy that you have in your mind. This has worked for many business individuals in past and it will definitely work for you as well.

4 – Come up with Evidence

You may be very good at making business plan and predicting the future of a company but again, aren’t we all good at making plans? I used to make a perfect plan and timetable every week when I was in high school but I never followed it in real life. Even if I tried following those timetables, I ended up as a failure. The main reason for those failures is that, all those timetables were not realistic. What I needed was a timetable based on my life routine. Same is the case with a business presentation. If you want to convince the corporate bosses, you have to come up with results. Before pitching an idea, run it on experimental bases and collect the results. When you will share the idea along with results, it will carry more meaning and value in the eyes of your Boss.

Author Bio:

This guest post is written by M. Ajmal who is an avid blogger. He generally writes on gadgets, education and proof reading topics. He also writes forhttp://www.galaxyessay.com/essay-help/ which provides help in essay writing, editing, course work related matters.