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How To Beautify Your Wedding With Pictures On Canvas

As you probably know, weddings have become massive business and can sometimes cost a lot of money to bring to fruition. According to market research, the wedding industry is worth several billions with the average wedding costing up to £20,000. The truth of the matter is the most part of that money will be spent on things that will only last for one night. When spending money on wedding decorations and trying to make your special day look as glamorous as possible, spend it in a way that will not only fascinate your friends and family but also provide you with lifelong memories to be cherished and preserved. Simply displaying your canvas pictures at your wedding can help save substantial amount of money and also provide you with really gorgeous artwork to beautify your home after the wedding ceremony.

Picture Frames vs Photos on Canvas

The truth is picture framing can be quite costly. It is usually cheap to get the standard photo prints but starts to add up rapidly if you require add on like matt and framing. Before you know it, add on prices can drastically add several hundreds of pounds to your overall cost. If you require your pictures printed and frames in custom size, the final cost will most certainly end up in triple fold. To display large sized, classy, charming and attention grabbing pictures on your wedding day, printing on a canvas is certainly the best option as it requires no costly framing and give absolute value for money. Another good thing about printing on canvas is the printing and dispatch can both be achieved within a period of two to three days.

It is a normal practice for most couples to have their pictures or portraits taken by their wedding photographer several months prior to their wedding day. These pictures will serve a great purpose on the wedding website as well as on the wedding day, providing friends and family with charming pictures that tell a story about their union. If you decide to hire one of your buddies or an actual wedding photographer, it is nice to have some lovely pictures to celebrate that special day that will not happen twice. Simply ask your dedicated wedding photographer to print your engagement and wedding photos on canvas.

Showcase your Best Pictures on Canvas

You can have your printed photos on canvas clearly displayed at the entrance of your wedding venue, preferably at the reception. This will allow friends and family to see them upon arrival. They will definitely admire them and probably fall in love with the idea of printing wedding pictures on canvas.

A clever way to make things even more exciting is to have some of your parents wedding pictures in their prime also printed on canvass and display alongside your wedding photos. This is a sweet way of showing your guests how far you’ve come as well as an honour to your parents. You can have couple of small sized photo canvases of yourself and partner sit next to your wedding guest book at the reception. After the occasion, you can print a large size photo on canvass that will look really nice on your wall.

Decorating and showcasing with your wedding pictures on canvas is really cost effective approach that allows you the opportunity to save on costs as well as have pictures you will both cherish for many years to come. If you are currently making wedding plans, canvas printing is certainly a fantastic idea to give some consideration.

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This content was written by Franklin Awodiya who enjoys sharing his wealth of knowledge via blogging.