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How To Apply Motorbike Graphics At Home

It is a statement that motorbike graphics are a trend for any two wheel vehicle. Whether you give a search in the online field or you go to a motorbike graphic business in your town, there is a wide variety of them. For applying the motorbike graphics at its own home, a person has to complete some simple steps that will lead to a very impressive result.

Order The Stickers

First of all, for applying graphics on your motorbike, you need these graphics. You can measure the parts of the bike where you want to add the graphics. This will secure that the graphics will be suitable for your motorbike. After that you have to think of a model. The limit is your imagination as you can create anything. In case you want something special, you can create a sketch with your own design. Then find a company that will be able to give you the stickers at affordable prices. You can even compare the prices and the experience of the companies, and see exactly what company is more suitable. If you have original design, you will just have to send the sketches. Otherwise, each company has an entire gallery to choose from.

Prepare The Motorbike

After you have received the stickers, is time to prepare the motorbike for the sticker. You have to clean it pretty well let it dry until is ready. Then you can get the stickers with pealing them, and try to see if they fit on the wanted parts. If they do not fit, you can simply cut them. If you had before graphics added on the motor, make sure that there are no marks that will not allow the stickers to be added perfectly.

Start The Sticking Process

Once the motorbike is clean and the stickers fit the wanted parts, it is time to complete to hardest part. You have to take one sticker and peel the backing paper away. Just touch one side of the sticker and start applying it on the wanted part. You have to work with both hands, one of them to sustain the alignment and with the other one to press and place the sticker. It is recommended to have clean hands, no oily because in such a case they will make harder the process. On small sections you can use your fingers in order to make sure you create no bubbles or wrinkles to the sticker. In case you have created bubbles, you can carefully peal the sticker and apply it again. For sharp curves on the motorbike, it is recommended to use the hair dryer that will make the graphic more pliable and easier to install. Be careful not to overheat the sticker as it possible to damage it.

So, after you have successfully applied the graphics, you have to wait about 24 hours before using the motorbike with the brand new stickers. During the process you have to be patient and work efficiently for a great result.

Author Bio

Johnny is a fanatic biker who doesnt miss a chance to ride his mountain bike on weekends. He is crazy about Bike Graphics. He just bought Cool Graphics from http://omxgraphics.com for his bike.