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How Medical Jewelry Can Save Your Life

Medical jewelry or medical identification jewelry has thankfully begun to overcome its previous stigma of cheap jewelry that brands those with serious illnesses.  Though they have been available for many years, only recently has fashion-consciousness entered into the designs of these very functional pieces of jewelry.  The availability and diversity of these new designs have helped the wearers of the id jewelry become more confident and consistent in wearing something that is designed to save lives.

How They Work

Medical ID jewelry often has an emblem or words engraved into it, which serve to notify medical professionals of any information they need to know in the case of an emergency.  In case of a heart attack or other emergency where paramedics come to pick you up, they can look at the jewelry and find out different things about your medical history if you are not able to speak for yourself.  Many of the engravings are simply abbreviations of symbols for the carrier’s medical conditions which are known to paramedics such as diabetes, drug allergies, and anaphylactic allergies.

Types of Medical Jewelry

Over the last 50 years medical IDs have evolved from simple cards with health info to bracelets and rings and jewelry of all types.  Medical jewelry comes in the form of bracelets, wristbands, lockets, and pendants.  Medical ID’s come in precious metals such as gold, titanium, silver and surgical steel.  They range in price from $5 to upwards of $1,000 dollars based on the metals and gemstones.  They can be custom tailored to be as simple or fancy as possible to suit each person’s personal tastes.

The owners of medical jewelry must wear them at all times because they hold the critical information about their health conditions, which could help save their lives in an emergency.  This is why it is important for you to choose your emergency jewelry carefully and be sure that it is something you can wear on a daily basis.  It is also a good idea to buy more than one type of medical ID depending on the events you attend or the life that you lead.

Advanced Jewelry To Save Lives

Many forms of medical jewelry have a panic button built into them or a voice activated emergency signal with GPS tracking for sudden emergencies.  Some highly advanced medical ID jewelry also has heart rate monitors, which can save lives in the event of degenerative disease or health emergencies. The medical ID jewelry can also have USB or micro SD storage chips which can contain a complete medical history for emergencies where the carrier cannot speak for themselves. They contain information such as preexisting conditions, emergency contacts and the person’s medication as well as virtual copies of X-rays and a schedule of their previous doctor’s appointments.  SMS Text codes and QR barcodes are also being engraved on id bracelets and pendants to allow fast access to a lot more information through smart phone and mobile web technology.

Where to Get Them

There are many places online and in your neighborhood where you can get medical jewelry.  It is important to look through the vast selection available on reputable websites that have a history of saving lives with their jewelry. Remember to consider every option before buying your medical bracelets and be sure the potential piece is something you can be happy wearing on a daily basis. There is something for everyone and for every lifestyle regardless of whether you are a gardener, outdoorsman, social butterfly, cook or family person.

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Written by Chris Morgan at Sticky Jewerly.