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How Long Do Tummy Tuck Surgery Results Last?

A tummy tuck procedure or an abdominoplasty is a surgical operation performed to remove excess skin and fat from the abdominal area. The procedure is also done to repair weakened abdominal muscles. An incision is made horizontally on the region between the navel and the pubic hairline. Excess fat and skin is removed via this incision. The result is a trimmer, firmer abdomen and a narrowed waistline. With that being said, most abdominoplasty patients often wonder how long the tummy tuck results will last. This article aims to explore that question and hopefully draw a conclusive opinion.

Abdominoplasty procedures are meant to last a great deal of time, but are prone to the effects of age, dietary habits and pregnancy. The maintenance of a flat and trim tummy is completely up to the patient. The lifestyle observed will determine to a great extent how long tummy tuck procedure results will last. A tummy tuck is only as good as the steps taken to maintain it. Upon successful completion of the tummy tuck procedure, you are advised to observe a healthy workout regime. This enhances core strengthening further reinforcing the results of an abdominal muscle repair job.

The ever important issue of body weight is of major concern as far as tummy tuck results are involved. Whereas abdominoplasty procedures are NOT a replacement to healthy eating habits or a treatment to weight associated conditions, the procedure does essentially take off an average of ten pounds of fat from the abdominal region. Cosmetic surgeons are in a general consensus regarding maintenance of tummy tuck results. The following points should help you maintain your new flat tummy;

  1. Pregnancy: It is recommended that you only get a tummy tuck procedure once and only if you’re certain that you won’t have another pregnancy. Pregnancy for obvious reasons stretches the abdominal skin and in some cases leaves a persistent bulge. Concerning the persistent tummy bulge, a condition known as Diastasis Recti is to blame. This is because it causes the weakening of the abdominal muscles. Once a tummy tuck is done, a pregnancy will revert the success realized to the previous state before the abdominoplasty.
  2. Exercise: You’re advised to observe a workout routine in order to maintain the results of a successful tummy tuck procedure. Days after completion of an abdominoplasty procedure, light exercises are advised. Take caution not to exert any stress to your mid-section through strenuous activity. Light exercises weeks after surgery will help prevent any fluid buildup and swelling. Take caution not to rip your sutures.

Long after you have recovered, exercise will help keep the extra pounds off your midsection. Exercise your abdomen to strengthen your core and abdominal muscles. However, the technique of working out should be instructor-recommended to avoid any damage to your abdominal muscles. Diastasis Recti in men is caused by inappropriate weight lifting techniques.

  1. Lifestyle, dietary habits: Now that you’ve had a successful tummy tuck procedure, your dietary regime should be in tandem with your desire to maintain a flat tummy. Abdominoplasty procedures aren’t a free pass to unhealthy eating habits. Now more than ever you should eat healthy and mind your caloric intake. That being said, your tummy tuck should last a long time.

In conclusion, observing the above guidelines will ensure that the results of your successful tummy tuck last a long while. You will look good and feel great. After all an abdominoplasty is no lean feat.

Dr. Gregory H. Croll is the owner of his own practice, and the leading doctor for tummy tucks in Columbia, MO.