AJN News

Holidays For Singles: Adventure or Quiet Contemplation

Many people looking for a holiday alone think of a hotel by a beach and wonder how much the singles supplement will be and whether they will have to sit at the table by the door to the kitchen. It doesn’t have to be like this.

Holidaying alone can be entered into in a much more positive spirit. Choosing to take a holiday alone gives you the opportunity to enjoy exactly the sort of holiday that you want. It doesn’t have to be a compromise to fit in with someone else’s holiday expectations: it can be exactly the holiday that you want. It maybe that your friends wouldn’t enjoy going on an archaeological dig on a Scottish island or visiting art galleries in Italy. Choose to holiday alone and you get to choose the perfect holiday, with no-one else to consider.

A holiday exploring a different part of the world, possibly enjoying new activities can be fantastic. You will return inspired, refreshed and invigorated. If it is a group holiday there is the added possibility of meeting new people and that may be one of the reasons for choosing to holiday alone. Single holidays abroad give the opportunity to recharge your batteries and time for reflection.

Meeting new people on an activity holiday



A group holiday with new experiences is a great way to meet new people. In a small group where everyone is experiencing something fresh there is plenty to talk about and indeed, there may well be a need to talk, to share what has been seen during the day. Often many of the other participants will also be travelling alone and be more open to socialising together. If everyone is seeing and enjoying new experiences  cultures, languages, food, this can be quite challenging and that is a good situation for people opening up and getting to know each other. Single holidays abroad can be an excellent way of meeting new people in a new environment. An activity holiday may be the opportunity to try new things that would be difficult to organise without the help of a travel company and guide. What could be better than camping out under the stars with a group of strangers who, over the course of a week or two will become great friends? What about mountain biking, white water rafting, kayaking? Or days enjoying long walks off the beaten track. When well organised, these holidays offer experiences that would be difficult to achieve on a self-organised holiday, plus the chance of enjoying them with new but like-minded people.

Quiet times alone


In complete contrast, a holiday taken alone may be to allow you to enjoy your own company, to relax, read, swim and go for long walks. There is no need to be concerned about entertaining whoever you are with. You can go to bed early to enable you to get up to see the sunrise and no-one will call you a party pooper. And when you feel like company, there will be a bar nearby where you can go and get into conversation with someone.


Idania writes regularly for a range of websites and blogs. She has travelled widely both in groups and on her own, including Alaska holidays.