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Here Are Some Unusual Scholarships That Colleges Accept

If you thought scholarships are all prim and proper, then you are wrong because there are interesting and unusual scholarships for colleges that will perk your interest. There are plenty of strange ones as well. And the biggest attraction is that most of these scholarships cater to a very small target segment, so there isn’t going to be much of a competition. So if you have talents that people consider strange then don’t feel bad, you might be eligible for a scholarship somewhere.

Check out the following and see if you are eligible for any of them:

Starfleet Academy Scholarships

Crafted after the fictitious Startrek Academy, you are likely to get $500 scholarships if you get qualified for it. This academy trains people on all trivia around Startrek.

Juniata College Campus Photo by by ldaugh22 from Flickr.com

Left-handed Students Scholarships

If you are left-handed, then there is a very good chance that you will win a scholarship. So if you are genuine, there will be tests to prove that you are left handed, and if you win you are in. You can try your luck at Juniata College (Huntingdon, Pennsylvania). The name of the scholarship is Frederick and Mary F. Beckley Scholarship and you can get up to $1,000. You will have to contact this particular college on the following number, 814-641-3142  to get more information about this scholarship.

Duck calling contest Scholarship

Are you a senior and good at calling ducks? Then you can try your luck for the Sophie Major Memorial Duck Calling Contest. Three winners are announced after the contest is over – the first gets a scholarship for the amount $1500, the second winner will get $500 worth scholarship and the third winner gets $300.

The Fragrance Research Fund

This smells good to all the clinical psychologists who are doing their post graduate degree in aromachology. So if you have an uncanny sense of smell, why don’t you do a course in this? The amount is also not bad at all – you get about $50,000. Worth it, don’t you think?

LPA Scholarship

If you are short in stature, then you are eligible for this scholarship. It is called the Little People of America Scholarship. A non-profit association called the LPA offers this scholarship. You can be a member if you are shorter than 4 feet and 10 inches. Financial aid will be given to your immediate family members too. You will have to provide a medical certificate that proves your dwarfism.

Photo of some happy graduates by Earlham College from Flickr.com

Scholar Athlete Milk Mustache of the Year

If you sport a milk mustache then don’t worry about it right now, because you might be eligible for a scholarship. However, you have to be good at something like athletics, sports or community services too to be considered for it.

National Make It Yourself with Wool Competition

You love knitting? Then you are eligible for the scholarship that will win you either a $2000 scholarship or a $1000 scholarship. Your style, creativity and garment selection are important criteria when you are put to test.

Besides these, there are several other unique scholarships for which you can become eligible. So if anyone has been making fun of you for any peculiarity about you, just remember that you can win a scholarship for it. So, who has the last laugh?