AJN News

Finding A Good Health Care Facility For Your Elderly

Elderly people crave for all the love and attention they can get from their family members which is why you should give them good care and protection during their twilight years. There are hundreds of agencies seeking to provide all sorts of palliative care to your disabled or seriously ill family member. You will be offered flexible personalized caregivers that will look after your loved ones just the way you want them to be cared for. Home based elder care also offers a blanket approach that generally encompasses most of the needs required by old people.

Often the main thing that is missing when a person is really old is companionship. They wish for a certain amount of love, support and encouragement in their sunset years. If you ask their opinion about a matter, they will be extremely pleased, because it is the perfect example of showing them that they still matter to you. It gives them an incentive to live. It is the responsibility of  family members to make the life of old people as comfortable as possible. If you are not able to give it for lack of time, then you must find someone who provides the care.

Courtesy – gravity@ Flickr.com

Apart from companionship and medical help, you get certain other benefits from these agencies. The professional caregiver will prove to be good domestic helps, do their shopping for them, taking them to the doctor for medical appointments, overnight or sleepover care, respite care, special nursing care, personal care. Normally this is provided for 24 hours a day 7 days a week, 365 days a year. However, certain elderly people are not comfortable with outsiders handling their affairs. Mentally, they might be too upset because they are just getting to live with that “old person” feeling. It could be too depressing for them and they may not co-operate.

If the person is confined to the wheelchair and can move only with outside help, then the person needs to be treated with courtesy, respect and dignity. You should provide them with the care that you would love to receive when you get old or sick. Stay-at-home elder care is very important for such people, because they want to be surrounded by people they love and the things they have cherished all their lives.

This kind of palliative care is offered not just for elderly people, but also for people who have become seriously ill or is suffering from some sort of terminal illness. Agencies that provide palliative care often have different care-levels to deal with different kind of people. You can negotiate the level and type of treatment needed for your elderly parent/relative and then go for the best option

If you are looking for a agency to serve your needs, then that is also a good idea. To make arrangements while you are well and lucid is a great thing because in the future it will help your immediate family. Not that you are going lose your faculties when you reach a certain age, but when you take precautions you feel better. This is why an advanced directive is so important. An advanced directive is legally valid and contains all the information pertaining to your health care, whom to contact when you are sick, the medical doctor to be contacted and the level and type of treatment that will be suitable to you.