AJN News

Exploring The Charm Of Balham

Balham is a quiet little district in London and because of the peace and tranquility it provides to the tourists and vacationers, the place has permanently etched a place in the London tourism map. If you are looking for shopping malls and big huge modern buildings then you are going to be disappointed because you will not be able to see any of those. Balham is best suited to a tourist looking for a quiet vacation; it is the ideal retreat from the hustle and bustle of the regular mega cities. Of course, you have places where you can drink and be merry and several shops to indulge in a shopping spree, but other than that you are going to have a quiet vacation. If you are planning to come down to Balham for a week then it will be the best way to free your mind from all the tensions and stressful expectations from the outside world. If you feel you are going to be burned out if you work for one more day without a break, then stop everything, come here and relax in the few wonderful activities that you can see and enjoy in Balham and the areas surrounding it.

Courtesy – bzmch at Flickr.com

Balham Bowls Club

If bowling is in your blood then look no further than the BBC as it fondly called. With its many twists and turns, the BBC is one of the most attractive places in Balham. If you are looking for a day of all play and food and drink, then this is the ideal retreat. And there is a scoreboard if you want to hold a friendly competition with your friends. This is one of the oldest bowling clubs in the country and one of the most popular too. You will get that historic, ancient feel as soon as you enter it and it thrills you to be in a club that has been active for ages. There are plenty of wood- panelled rooms all done in the antique style and you will enjoy the rosettes and the chesterfields. There is a dining area at the back of the club and it gives you one of the best dining experience in Balham. A fire warms your feet and heart when you are trying to escape the chilly winters. There are snooker tables if you want to try your hand at that. And a well-paved terrace too if you want to enjoy a smoke with your friends. The bar is filled with tourists and regulars on weekends and Sunday is always a special day with a sumptuous lunch. The club warmly welcomes everyone; you don’t have to be a member to enjoy bowling. Major credit cards are accepted.

Therapy Rooms in Balham

You can visit Balham therapy rooms to have a luxurious day pampering your mind, body and soul. A healthy mind houses a healthy body so whenever you get a chance to detoxify your body to get that inner feeling of peace, go for it. A masseur is always an important part in a vacation – the only person who can pamper you to perfection. You have to rejuvenate, detoxify and enhance your skin to improve your looks. Go for a full body massage with a manicure and pedicure to complete all the works.

You can enjoy an incredible chakra healing technique to remove any diseases you are suffering from. Heal your emotions by clearing all the toxins, even the ones you were unaware of. Or go for an Indian head massage to remove all the pent up tensions and worries you’ve been nurturing all the while. A nutritional therapy will cleanse your body making it young, fresh and fit. There are various other therapies too and half a dozen therapists at your disposal. You can seek an appointment with them and come out a better person spiritually, emotionally and physically after this vacation. Nothing but a dedicated treatment at one of the therapy rooms will boost your confidence level and with it you can perform better at your job and in your life.