AJN News

Driving And Car Maintenance In Extreme Temperatures

In the past few years, the UK has suffered from extremes of temperature, from prolonged sub-zero conditions in winter to the 2013 summer heat wave. Extremes of temperature can affect your vehicle in a variety of ways, so read on to discover how to maintain your vehicle and stay safe in either arctic or scorching weather conditions.

Hot Weather Vehicle Precautions

If you’re setting off for your summer holidays, the last thing you want is to be sitting by the road waiting for recovery. So you should complete the following checks before setting off on a long journey when it’s very hot.

Cold Weather Precautions

Breaking down in summer can cause inconvenience, but in winter can be dangerous. So you should do all you can to prepare yourself and your car for travelling in very cold conditions.

By Rob Rudd

Rob Rudd prefers cycling to driving but when needs must he likes to make sure his car is safe to drive. He lives in Portsmouth, UK with his wife and 3 children.