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Clothes Shopping Online – A Brief Guide

When you’re busy, feeling lazy, hate crowds of shoppers, or are simply looking for a bargain – online clothes shopping is a fantastic option for you. It might also be the case you’re quite a bus journey from any decent amount of clothes shops local to you, in which case online shopping is a really excellent solution for you – you don’t just have to settle for the local charity shop offerings any more! However, just because these online shops are available, doesn’t always mean you’re going to get what you want. The different measurements, the beautiful pictures, the low prices – it can be a place littered with potential mistakes if you’re not careful.

Here is a rough guide to shopping for clothes online, so you avoid donating your latest online purchases to your local charity shop:

Clothes You Shouldn’t Buy Online

It’s definitely worth buying underwear and socks (as long as it’s new!) online, as they will generally be likely to fit you. The materials are also straight forward and will be listed as a plus point of the garment – IE 100% cotton socks. With items that tend to need to be fitted, things can be a little more difficult. Generally, bras are a bad idea unless you’ve been measured properly in a shop offering a measuring service. With dresses, it will depend on the cut. If the dress is fitted, consider buying it one size bigger than you are, so it can be adjusted if needs be. Alternatively, check your measurements and match them to the dress. Try to avoid any style of clothing you know can fit really badly in certain shops. A bit like jeans – a pair in one shop can look the same as a pair in another, but the quality of design, production and material varies so greatly one pair can fit like a dream, and the other can look horrendous. You know your body, so now what items could be a bit bigger, smaller, shorter or longer and which items just couldn’t. Save the fitted items for real life shops, and the items with more leeway for online shopping.

Extra Tip – If you find a garment you love in a shop, don’t buy it until you have checked online if it is available in your size and cheaper ordered from the website.

Check It Will Fit

Check your measurements regularly – even a 5 pound weight loss can change your clothes size. Bust, arm circumference, arm length, leg length, leg circumference (thighs) waist and hips should all be measured – then keep the measurements written in the notes on your phone so they are easy to find when you get around to shopping online.

Measure Clothes That Fit You Well

One really great thing to do when you’re online shopping is to measure clothes that fit you really well. For example; that floral top you make any excuse to wear because it gives you an instant breast lift and makes you look a size smaller – check it’s measurements so you can find another top that fits you so well.

Check It’s Going To Look Just As Good On You As It Does The Model

It’s easy to think an item looks lovely when it’s on a 6 feet tall, size 8 model with legs that seem to go on forever. However, you need to know the item will look fantastic on you. Understand your body shape may be different, therefore the dress may be short on her at 6 feet, but more like mid calf length on you at 5 feet 1. You should also ensure you’re not assuming that the style on the model, is going to suit you. Some quirky looks suit people, and some really don’t. It’s good to be experimental with fashion, but when it comes to online shopping, try to veer away from your most extreme fashion ‘risks’ to avoid having lots to send back in the post if it turns out you really can’t pull off jelly shoes.

Buy From The Right Places

Only ever buy from reputable online retailers like Bella Fashion Queen. Look for excellent returns policies, special offers and customer service – all the basics that do count when it comes to your rights as a consumer.