AJN News

Carpets Are Never Accident Proof

It is difficult to be house proud with young children around the house, no matter how you try. They don’t intend to be messy and knock things over. They are often boisterous and clumsy just because of the fact they are young. One of the things most vulnerable to their energy is the fitted carpets in your home, which are likely victims of spillages and other forms of damage. You might be advised to have dark rather than light coloured carpeting whilst your children are young but there is little else you can do. Carpets can never be completely child proof. There are other potential problems your carpets face.

A Young Family

A young family can mean you have plenty of ironing. If the children keep you busy by day it is something you may need to leave until the evening when they have all gone to bed. It is best that something as hot as an iron is not switched on while they are around anyway. Ironing boards all have a surface on which to iron and a section at the end where the iron can be placed upright without damaging anything. That is unless it is accidently knocked from the board to the floor. A carpet cannot withstand the temperature of an iron without significant damage.

It is not as uncommon an occurrence as you might think. If an iron comes into contact with your carpet then the damage is really not likely to be covered by insurance and the cost of replacing an entire carpet can be significant. Even if you do have cover, there may be a large excess before the insurance company will pay out for a replacement.

Investigate Repair

An iron burn on a carpet  can certainly be repaired by real experts. You may consider rearranging the furniture to hide a burn but you will always know in the back of your mind that the burn is under a chair or covered by a small rug. It is worth contacting a repair specialist just to see what is possible. Every situation is different and you won’t know what is possible in terms of repairs without asking.

With young children around, your carpets are likely to take a hammering anyway. No one intentionally spills anything nor brings in oil or grease into the house and treads it into the carpets. You cannot keep an eye on youngsters every minute of the day. Your carpets may need regular cleaning and repair because you cannot change them every time there is an accident.

A Specialist Opinion

If the burn is extremely deep it may be a question of a patch. Even though an iron is extremely hot its contact with your carpet could be minimal if the iron is dropped or falls while you are there. You will pick it up instantly. If your carpet is only superficially scarred there are alternatives to patching. If you have found a repair company with many years’ experience it is likely that it will have seen most things in its time. That experience is there to help you.