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Can You Live Without A Ninja Nanny?

A ninja nanny is just a cute way of saying a nanny who has awesome child care, organisational and time management skills. Someone who, when it comes to fulfilling the childcare needs of a family, is at the top of their game.

If you are currently seeking a nanny, chances are you are personally familiar with the concept of ‘no free time’ and ‘long hours at work’. You will also be appreciative of the fact that good organisation and time management applies just as much in the world of childcare as it does in the corporate field. In the city the best nannies are always in high demand but if you are looking for a professional and trusted nanny agency London can deliver.

Here are some great traits to look for in your next nanny – if they have these behaviours cracked, they are definitely ninja level…

Dear Diary

You know a nanny means business when they walk into your home with a large, hardback diary tucked under their arm. We aren’t talking the sort of diary for sweet nothings, poetry and philosophical musings. This is a ninja nanny’s diary and it is a crucial part of the organisational set up in your home. A large, page a day diary is the ideal way of communicating between busy parents and nanny, entering appointments, play dates, holidays,shopping lists, menu plans and any changes or deviations from the daily routine.

Take the initiative and write entries in the diary as and when necessary. If the nanny wants a specific day off, for example, they mark the date in there for an early warning. Read through the diary regularly and it will give you an accurate reflection of the rhythm of your children’s days when you are out at work.

If a diary is a little low-tech for you, it’s just as easy and simple to share a Google calendar with your nanny.

On Schedule

A nanny that has a schedule of works is always one to admire. Depending on their job description and responsibilities, it will vary, of course. If, as an employer you have specific requirements and a certain level of flexibility in mind , it’s recommended to use a nanny agency London has a number of tried and trusted establishments. In addition to the core role of child carer, those able to set out routines for laundry, hoovering, ironing etc. are the ones who rarely become engulfed by the domestic chaos that descends on busy, child-packed homes. Using the dot system for laundry is a popular organisational winner when it comes to kids clothing. Use a permanent marker to differentiate between clothing of siblings of the same gender – add a single dot for the eldest child, then add an extra dot as the clothes get handed down. Simples.

Smart Play

Another smart organisational hack used by ninja nannies is toy rotation. Children have so many toys these days, not only do they create clutter, sometimes the choice for a child is overwhelming. Resourceful nannies place toys in rotation, so that children don’t become bored with them and are constantly stimulated by whatever ‘new’ toy is presented to them.

Early Bird

If you witness a care provider preparing for the morning rush hour on the evening before, they’re probably a ninja nanny. Putting out the breakfast stuff, laying out school uniforms, filling school bags, putting out coats, stroller etc. in the right place for a smooth, crisis-free pre-school morning, is typical ninja behaviour.

Super Skills

Over the years ninja nannies have perfected the skill of doing all sorts of things one-handed. Whether that’s carrying a toddler up three flights of stairs, cracking an egg, assembling a buggy or simply eating their lunch. Ninja nannies have the multi-tasking gene in vast quantities, it seems the busier they are, the better they perform.

Feed the Troops

Any nanny knows that all children require food on a regular basis in order not to become rebellious, bad tempered and mischievous. Ninja nannies have this covered by always bulk prepping meals in advance. Chopping up vegetables and bagging them up is a favourite ninja trait. Putting together nutritious meals to be frozen and produced at short notice is another talent often displayed.

Securing the services of a ninja nanny ensures your kids will be safe in the hands of a childcare superhero. Someone who invests thought and time into how best to achieve great childcare outcomes, is exactly the type of nanny you want looking after your kids. Be proactive and hunt out the best nanny available – with all the add-ons and benefits a ninja nanny brings, you’ll never again be satisfied by the normal variety…