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Become The Household Handyman: Common Items You Can Fix Yourself

There are quite a few basic household repairs that homeowners can make before they hire a professional to assist them. Here are a few things you can try fixing on your own instead of calling a handyman.

Bathroom Repairs

While tearing out a floor and replacing it with a new tile bottom might be beyond your expertise, there are some basic bathroom repairs you can do without the service of a professional. Start with the bathtub and toilet: it is a smart idea to remove old caulking around the bathtub at least once every few years and to clean the area well before replacing it. You need to destroy any mold growth to avoid serious health risks. Using a dehumidifier in the bathroom can assist in reducing problems with mold growth.

You can also handle toilet-unclogging projects. Use a plunger for your basic toilet clogs: if the suction motion doesn’t help to unclog the toilet, try using a plumbing snake. This device is inserted into the toilet and then threaded down the drain to break up the clog.

A leaky faucet is another repair that homeowners can make. Start by cleaning the faucet with some vinegar, as water build-up could be causing the water to flow slowly and drip. Get out your screwdriver set and remove the faucet handle. Look around for rusted screws, missing springs, and other things that might cause problems for the faucet. If you want to replace the faucet, make sure you turn off the water supply to the faucet and place a bucket under the sink to catch any water. Always read directions carefully to learn how to correctly install a faucet.

Kitchen Repairs

Most kitchen repairs will revolve around the appliances in the kitchen. Simple repairs like replacing a faucet are similar to the bathroom faucet repair or replacement. Dishwasher repair can be a little more challenging. Troubleshoot your dishwasher to determine what problems it is having. If the system doesn’t work and it is fairly old, consider replacing it.


A great way to quickly improve the look of a room is to add a new layer of paint. To get started, you will need to purchase the right color of paint for the room, along with quality primer. There are several painting tools you need to purchase including rollers, paintbrushes, plastic drop cloths, paint tape, and an edger to get a smooth edge on the walls and the ceiling joints. If there are nail holes, you will need to fix them with some caulk or drywall material. Once that has dried, you’ll want to sand it down to give the walls a smooth appearance. Take the time to wash the walls and to remove anything that could cause problems when painting. Remove furniture and other things that could get in the way to make it easier for you to get to all the areas of the wall.

Place a plastic drop cloth on the floor and over anything that should not have paint on it. Once you have done this, you can start with the primer. After the primer dries, take your time when applying the paint color. Going slowly will make sure you are able to cover all the different areas of the wall. Some rooms will need multiple layers of paint to look good. Pace yourself and do the job right to make the room stand out!


Donovan Woodward is a freelance writer based in Little Rock, Arkansas who concentrates his efforts on AC repair, general home maintenance, home improvement, gadget repair and other related matters; to learn more about AC repair visit BMS Construction.

Image credit goes to DonWojanRoofing.