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5 Luxuries For Your RV

Plenty of people enjoy camping in their RVs with just the essentials, spending most of their time outdoors. However, if you’re planning on spending a lot of time traveling in your RV, you’re most likely going to want a few luxuries. Full-timers know that the longer you live out of your camper, the more you want a few things to make your RV feel more like home. After some consulting, seasoned campers said the following are five luxuries they never want to travel without.

1. Stackable Washer & Dryer

When you’re living out of your RV for long periods of time, finding places to do your laundry can sometimes become a nuisance. Luckily, many online camping stores offer small stackable washer and dryers that can conveniently fit in a tight area. Having one of these not only eliminates the inconvenience of searching for a Laundromat, but also it allows you to pack fewer clothes. With the ability to wash and dry your clothes whenever you please, you don’t have to bring them in large amounts to last you for weeks on end.

2. Electric Awning

This may be a small luxury, but it’s a helpful one nonetheless. With an electric awning, you get the luxury of shade without the hassle of having to manually set it up and take it down after each use. With just a push of a button, your awning is ready to go in no time at all — aw-some, we know!

3. TV & Satellite

No matter when or where you travel, it is inevitable that you will have rainy, cold, or just generally dreary days. Knowing times like these may be ahead, it’s always nice to have the luxury of at least a small TV and satellite when you are on the road for long periods of time. You may not use it often, but a TV provides you with a comforting indoor activity to partake in when the atmosphere outdoors is less than desirable. Plus, even if the climate of your travel destination is near perfect, you never want to miss those football games or reality TV shows!

4. Stereo System

If you’re spending large chunks of time living out of your RV, you’re eventually going to get tired of lugging around that oversized boom box or speaker system every time you stop at a new place. By installing a built-in stereo system, you have the luxury of listening to music wherever you stay without the hassle of setting up your speakers. This installation also frees up space in your RV since you can get rid of your previous system

5. Electric Tongue Jack

Nothing is more frustrating and time consuming than trying to level and stabilize your RV manually, especially when you aren’t planning on staying in one place for very long. Electric tongue jacks eliminate this frustration by stabilizing and leveling with a quick push of a button. Even more helpful, many jacks that are on the market today also come equipped with LED lights for easy setup in the dark.

These are just a few of many luxuries that RV owners may want to consider. While they’re by no means essential, these simple luxuries will make your life on the road easier and more enjoyable, without undermining the simple pleasures that come with camping.

Sammy Jo is a writer for the premium Missouri RV dealers, Quality RV. Sammy loves to travel and to write about travelling tips for motorhome enthusiasts.